The World Famous San Diego Zoo is truly a bucket list item. If you've never been there, it is definitely worth the trip. If you do come to visit, it's going to take you a full day to see most of the zoo, so plan accordingly and bring plenty of water.
The aviaries are our favorite places in the zoo. They are so large that you don't even realize you are in one. A 3-level forest of full grown trees, waterfalls and rivers grace these splendid places. I can't even begin to describe how beautiful and peaceful it is in there. It makes me sad when I frequently see people practically sprint through and comment that they can't ever find any birds or the ones that say they hate birds. (Then why are you in there???) I heard one lady comment today that she can never find any birds unless they are bright red, yellow or orange, as she walked right past a large African toucan practically sitting on the handrail and never saw it. If they only took a moment to stop and look around.
My next favorite stop is the flamingos because they always make me think of my awesome sister-in-law Denise. I can't help but linger there for awhile and smile and wish she was with us. These are for you Denise.
The rest of the zoo is just one treasure after the other to be discovered. Here's some of our favorite shots.

And finally, you can't beat the people watching. Parents dragging screaming children from place to place, kids too tired, hot, hungry or thirsty to care; happy couples; people lost and no idea which way to turn; kids more focused on the cotton candy and ice cream to care about seeing the animals; and the conversations...."If you need me, I'll be sitting next to the Gorilla".

The aviaries are our favorite places in the zoo. They are so large that you don't even realize you are in one. A 3-level forest of full grown trees, waterfalls and rivers grace these splendid places. I can't even begin to describe how beautiful and peaceful it is in there. It makes me sad when I frequently see people practically sprint through and comment that they can't ever find any birds or the ones that say they hate birds. (Then why are you in there???) I heard one lady comment today that she can never find any birds unless they are bright red, yellow or orange, as she walked right past a large African toucan practically sitting on the handrail and never saw it. If they only took a moment to stop and look around.
My next favorite stop is the flamingos because they always make me think of my awesome sister-in-law Denise. I can't help but linger there for awhile and smile and wish she was with us. These are for you Denise.
The rest of the zoo is just one treasure after the other to be discovered. Here's some of our favorite shots.

And finally, you can't beat the people watching. Parents dragging screaming children from place to place, kids too tired, hot, hungry or thirsty to care; happy couples; people lost and no idea which way to turn; kids more focused on the cotton candy and ice cream to care about seeing the animals; and the conversations...."If you need me, I'll be sitting next to the Gorilla".
Until next time......